// // GMSGeometryUtils.h // Google Maps SDK for iOS // // Copyright 2013 Google LLC // // Usage of this SDK is subject to the Google Maps/Google Earth APIs Terms of // Service: https://developers.google.com/maps/terms // /** * \defgroup GeometryUtils GMSGeometryUtils * @{ */ #import #import "GMSPath.h" @class GMSPath; @class GMSStrokeStyle; @class GMSStyleSpan; NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN /** Average Earth radius in meters. */ static const CLLocationDistance kGMSEarthRadius = 6371009.0; /** * A point on the map. May represent a projected coordinate. * * x is in [-1, 1]. The axis direction is normal: y grows towards North, x grows towards East. (0, * 0) is the center of the map. * * See GMSProject() and GMSUnproject(). */ typedef struct GMSMapPoint { double x; double y; } GMSMapPoint; /** Projects |coordinate| to the map. |coordinate| must be valid. */ FOUNDATION_EXPORT GMSMapPoint GMSProject(CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate); /** Unprojects |point| from the map. point.x must be in [-1, 1]. */ FOUNDATION_EXPORT CLLocationCoordinate2D GMSUnproject(GMSMapPoint point); /** * Returns a linearly interpolated point on the segment [a, b], at the fraction |t| from |a|. |t|==0 * corresponds to |a|, |t|==1 corresponds to |b|. * * The interpolation takes place along the short path between the points potentially crossing the * date line. E.g. interpolating from San Francisco to Tokyo will pass north of Hawaii and cross the * date line. */ FOUNDATION_EXPORT GMSMapPoint GMSMapPointInterpolate(GMSMapPoint a, GMSMapPoint b, double t); /** * Returns the length of the segment [a, b] in projected space. * * The length is computed along the short path between the points potentially crossing the date * line. E.g. the distance between the points corresponding to San Francisco and Tokyo measures the * segment that passes north of Hawaii crossing the date line. */ FOUNDATION_EXPORT double GMSMapPointDistance(GMSMapPoint a, GMSMapPoint b); /** * Returns whether |point| lies inside of path. The path is always considered closed, regardless of * whether the last point equals the first or not. * * Inside is defined as not containing the South Pole -- the South Pole is always outside. * * |path| describes great circle segments if |geodesic| is YES, and rhumb (loxodromic) segments * otherwise. * * If |point| is exactly equal to one of the vertices, the result is YES. A point that is not equal * to a vertex is on one side or the other of any path segment -- it can never be "exactly on the * border". * * See GMSGeometryIsLocationOnPath() for a border test with tolerance. */ FOUNDATION_EXPORT BOOL GMSGeometryContainsLocation(CLLocationCoordinate2D point, GMSPath *path, BOOL geodesic); /** * Returns whether |point| lies on or near |path|, within the specified |tolerance| in meters. * |path| is composed of great circle segments if |geodesic| is YES, and of rhumb (loxodromic) * segments if |geodesic| is NO. * * See also GMSGeometryIsLocationOnPath(point, path, geodesic). * * The tolerance, in meters, is relative to the spherical radius of the Earth. If you need to work * on a sphere of different radius, you may compute the equivalent tolerance from the desired * tolerance on the sphere of radius R: tolerance = toleranceR * (RadiusEarth / R), with * RadiusEarth==6371009. */ FOUNDATION_EXPORT BOOL GMSGeometryIsLocationOnPathTolerance(CLLocationCoordinate2D point, GMSPath *path, BOOL geodesic, CLLocationDistance tolerance); /** * Same as GMSGeometryIsLocationOnPath(point, path, geodesic, tolerance), with a default tolerance * of 0.1 meters. */ FOUNDATION_EXPORT BOOL GMSGeometryIsLocationOnPath(CLLocationCoordinate2D point, GMSPath *path, BOOL geodesic); /** * Returns the great circle distance between two coordinates, in meters, on Earth. * * This is the shortest distance between the two coordinates on the sphere. * * Both coordinates must be valid. */ FOUNDATION_EXPORT CLLocationDistance GMSGeometryDistance(CLLocationCoordinate2D from, CLLocationCoordinate2D to); /** * Returns the great circle length of |path|, in meters, on Earth. * * This is the sum of GMSGeometryDistance() over the path segments. * * All the coordinates of the path must be valid. */ FOUNDATION_EXPORT CLLocationDistance GMSGeometryLength(GMSPath *path); /** * Returns the area of a geodesic polygon defined by |path| on Earth. * * The "inside" of the polygon is defined as not containing the South pole. * * If |path| is not closed, it is implicitly treated as a closed path nevertheless and the result is * the same. * * All coordinates of the path must be valid. * * The polygon must be simple (not self-overlapping) and may be concave. * * If any segment of the path is a pair of antipodal points, the result is undefined -- because two * antipodal points do not form a unique great circle segment on the sphere. */ FOUNDATION_EXPORT double GMSGeometryArea(GMSPath *path); /** * Returns the signed area of a geodesic polygon defined by |path| on Earth. * * The result has the same absolute value as GMSGeometryArea(); it is positive if the points of path * are in counter-clockwise order, and negative otherwise. * * The same restrictions as on GMSGeometryArea() apply. */ FOUNDATION_EXPORT double GMSGeometrySignedArea(GMSPath *path); /** * Returns the initial heading (degrees clockwise of North) at |from| of the shortest path to |to|. * * The returned value is in the range [0, 360). * * Returns 0 if the two coordinates are the same. * * Both coordinates must be valid. * * To get the final heading at |to| one may use (GMSGeometryHeading(|to|, |from|) + 180) modulo 360. */ FOUNDATION_EXPORT CLLocationDirection GMSGeometryHeading(CLLocationCoordinate2D from, CLLocationCoordinate2D to); /** * Returns the destination coordinate, when starting at |from| with initial |heading|, travelling * |distance| meters along a great circle arc, on Earth. * * The resulting longitude is in the range [-180, 180). * * Both coordinates must be valid. */ FOUNDATION_EXPORT CLLocationCoordinate2D GMSGeometryOffset(CLLocationCoordinate2D from, CLLocationDistance distance, CLLocationDirection heading); /** * Returns the coordinate that lies the given |fraction| of the way between the |from| and |to| * coordinates on the shortest path between the two. * * The resulting longitude is in the range [-180, 180). */ FOUNDATION_EXPORT CLLocationCoordinate2D GMSGeometryInterpolate(CLLocationCoordinate2D from, CLLocationCoordinate2D to, double fraction); /** * Returns an NSArray of GMSStyleSpan constructed by repeated application of style and length * information from |styles| and |lengths| along |path|. * * |path| the path along which the output spans are computed. * |styles| an NSArray of GMSStrokeStyle. Wraps if consumed. Can't be empty. * |lengths| an NSArray of NSNumber; each entry gives the length of the corresponding * style from |styles|. Wraps if consumed. Can't be empty. * |lengthKind| the interpretation of values from |lengths| (geodesic, rhumb or projected). * * Example: a polyline with alternating black and white spans: * *
 * GMSMutablePath *path;
 * NSArray *styles = @[[GMSStrokeStyle solidColor:[UIColor whiteColor]],
 *                     [GMSStrokeStyle solidColor:[UIColor blackColor]]];
 * NSArray *lengths = @[@100000, @50000];
 * polyline.path = path;
 * polyline.spans = GMSStyleSpans(path, styles, lengths, kGMSLengthRhumb);
*/ FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSArray *GMSStyleSpans(GMSPath *path, NSArray *styles, NSArray *lengths, GMSLengthKind lengthKind); /** * Similar to GMSStyleSpans(path, styles, lengths, lengthKind) but additionally takes an initial * length offset that will be skipped over relative to the |lengths| array. * * |lengthOffset| the length (e.g. in meters) that should be skipped initially from |lengths|. */ FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSArray *GMSStyleSpansOffset(GMSPath *path, NSArray *styles, NSArray *lengths, GMSLengthKind lengthKind, double lengthOffset); /**@}*/ NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END