// // AnimatableImageView.swift // Kingfisher // // Created by bl4ckra1sond3tre on 4/22/16. // // The AnimatableImageView, AnimatedFrame and Animator is a modified version of // some classes from kaishin's Gifu project (https://github.com/kaishin/Gifu) // // The MIT License (MIT) // // Copyright (c) 2019 Reda Lemeden. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of // this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in // the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to // use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of // the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, // subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all // copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS // FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR // COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER // IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN // CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // // The name and characters used in the demo of this software are property of their // respective owners. #if !os(watchOS) #if canImport(UIKit) import UIKit import ImageIO /// Protocol of `AnimatedImageView`. public protocol AnimatedImageViewDelegate: AnyObject { /// Called after the animatedImageView has finished each animation loop. /// /// - Parameters: /// - imageView: The `AnimatedImageView` that is being animated. /// - count: The looped count. func animatedImageView(_ imageView: AnimatedImageView, didPlayAnimationLoops count: UInt) /// Called after the `AnimatedImageView` has reached the max repeat count. /// /// - Parameter imageView: The `AnimatedImageView` that is being animated. func animatedImageViewDidFinishAnimating(_ imageView: AnimatedImageView) } extension AnimatedImageViewDelegate { public func animatedImageView(_ imageView: AnimatedImageView, didPlayAnimationLoops count: UInt) {} public func animatedImageViewDidFinishAnimating(_ imageView: AnimatedImageView) {} } #if swift(>=4.2) let KFRunLoopModeCommon = RunLoop.Mode.common #else let KFRunLoopModeCommon = RunLoopMode.commonModes #endif /// Represents a subclass of `UIImageView` for displaying animated image. /// Different from showing animated image in a normal `UIImageView` (which load all frames at one time), /// `AnimatedImageView` only tries to load several frames (defined by `framePreloadCount`) to reduce memory usage. /// It provides a tradeoff between memory usage and CPU time. If you have a memory issue when using a normal image /// view to load GIF data, you could give this class a try. /// /// Kingfisher supports setting GIF animated data to either `UIImageView` and `AnimatedImageView` out of box. So /// it would be fairly easy to switch between them. open class AnimatedImageView: UIImageView { /// Proxy object for preventing a reference cycle between the `CADDisplayLink` and `AnimatedImageView`. class TargetProxy { private weak var target: AnimatedImageView? init(target: AnimatedImageView) { self.target = target } @objc func onScreenUpdate() { target?.updateFrameIfNeeded() } } /// Enumeration that specifies repeat count of GIF public enum RepeatCount: Equatable { case once case finite(count: UInt) case infinite public static func ==(lhs: RepeatCount, rhs: RepeatCount) -> Bool { switch (lhs, rhs) { case let (.finite(l), .finite(r)): return l == r case (.once, .once), (.infinite, .infinite): return true case (.once, .finite(let count)), (.finite(let count), .once): return count == 1 case (.once, _), (.infinite, _), (.finite, _): return false } } } // MARK: - Public property /// Whether automatically play the animation when the view become visible. Default is `true`. public var autoPlayAnimatedImage = true /// The count of the frames should be preloaded before shown. public var framePreloadCount = 10 /// Specifies whether the GIF frames should be pre-scaled to the image view's size or not. /// If the downloaded image is larger than the image view's size, it will help to reduce some memory use. /// Default is `true`. public var needsPrescaling = true /// Decode the GIF frames in background thread before using. It will decode frames data and do a off-screen /// rendering to extract pixel information in background. This can reduce the main thread CPU usage. public var backgroundDecode = true /// The animation timer's run loop mode. Default is `RunLoop.Mode.common`. /// Set this property to `RunLoop.Mode.default` will make the animation pause during UIScrollView scrolling. public var runLoopMode = KFRunLoopModeCommon { willSet { guard runLoopMode != newValue else { return } stopAnimating() displayLink.remove(from: .main, forMode: runLoopMode) displayLink.add(to: .main, forMode: newValue) startAnimating() } } /// The repeat count. The animated image will keep animate until it the loop count reaches this value. /// Setting this value to another one will reset current animation. /// /// Default is `.infinite`, which means the animation will last forever. public var repeatCount = RepeatCount.infinite { didSet { if oldValue != repeatCount { reset() setNeedsDisplay() layer.setNeedsDisplay() } } } /// Delegate of this `AnimatedImageView` object. See `AnimatedImageViewDelegate` protocol for more. public weak var delegate: AnimatedImageViewDelegate? // MARK: - Private property /// `Animator` instance that holds the frames of a specific image in memory. private var animator: Animator? // Dispatch queue used for preloading images. private lazy var preloadQueue: DispatchQueue = { return DispatchQueue(label: "com.onevcat.Kingfisher.Animator.preloadQueue") }() // A flag to avoid invalidating the displayLink on deinit if it was never created, because displayLink is so lazy. private var isDisplayLinkInitialized: Bool = false // A display link that keeps calling the `updateFrame` method on every screen refresh. private lazy var displayLink: CADisplayLink = { isDisplayLinkInitialized = true let displayLink = CADisplayLink( target: TargetProxy(target: self), selector: #selector(TargetProxy.onScreenUpdate)) displayLink.add(to: .main, forMode: runLoopMode) displayLink.isPaused = true return displayLink }() // MARK: - Override override open var image: KFCrossPlatformImage? { didSet { if image != oldValue { reset() } setNeedsDisplay() layer.setNeedsDisplay() } } deinit { if isDisplayLinkInitialized { displayLink.invalidate() } } override open var isAnimating: Bool { if isDisplayLinkInitialized { return !displayLink.isPaused } else { return super.isAnimating } } /// Starts the animation. override open func startAnimating() { guard !isAnimating else { return } if animator?.isReachMaxRepeatCount ?? false { return } displayLink.isPaused = false } /// Stops the animation. override open func stopAnimating() { super.stopAnimating() if isDisplayLinkInitialized { displayLink.isPaused = true } } override open func display(_ layer: CALayer) { if let currentFrame = animator?.currentFrameImage { layer.contents = currentFrame.cgImage } else { layer.contents = image?.cgImage } } override open func didMoveToWindow() { super.didMoveToWindow() didMove() } override open func didMoveToSuperview() { super.didMoveToSuperview() didMove() } // This is for back compatibility that using regular `UIImageView` to show animated image. override func shouldPreloadAllAnimation() -> Bool { return false } // Reset the animator. private func reset() { animator = nil if let imageSource = image?.kf.imageSource { let targetSize = bounds.scaled(UIScreen.main.scale).size let animator = Animator( imageSource: imageSource, contentMode: contentMode, size: targetSize, framePreloadCount: framePreloadCount, repeatCount: repeatCount, preloadQueue: preloadQueue) animator.delegate = self animator.needsPrescaling = needsPrescaling animator.backgroundDecode = backgroundDecode animator.prepareFramesAsynchronously() self.animator = animator } didMove() } private func didMove() { if autoPlayAnimatedImage && animator != nil { if let _ = superview, let _ = window { startAnimating() } else { stopAnimating() } } } /// Update the current frame with the displayLink duration. private func updateFrameIfNeeded() { guard let animator = animator else { return } guard !animator.isFinished else { stopAnimating() delegate?.animatedImageViewDidFinishAnimating(self) return } let duration: CFTimeInterval // CA based display link is opt-out from ProMotion by default. // So the duration and its FPS might not match. // See [#718](https://github.com/onevcat/Kingfisher/issues/718) // By setting CADisableMinimumFrameDuration to YES in Info.plist may // cause the preferredFramesPerSecond being 0 let preferredFramesPerSecond = displayLink.preferredFramesPerSecond if preferredFramesPerSecond == 0 { duration = displayLink.duration } else { // Some devices (like iPad Pro 10.5) will have a different FPS. duration = 1.0 / TimeInterval(preferredFramesPerSecond) } animator.shouldChangeFrame(with: duration) { [weak self] hasNewFrame in if hasNewFrame { self?.layer.setNeedsDisplay() } } } } protocol AnimatorDelegate: AnyObject { func animator(_ animator: AnimatedImageView.Animator, didPlayAnimationLoops count: UInt) } extension AnimatedImageView: AnimatorDelegate { func animator(_ animator: Animator, didPlayAnimationLoops count: UInt) { delegate?.animatedImageView(self, didPlayAnimationLoops: count) } } extension AnimatedImageView { // Represents a single frame in a GIF. struct AnimatedFrame { // The image to display for this frame. Its value is nil when the frame is removed from the buffer. let image: UIImage? // The duration that this frame should remain active. let duration: TimeInterval // A placeholder frame with no image assigned. // Used to replace frames that are no longer needed in the animation. var placeholderFrame: AnimatedFrame { return AnimatedFrame(image: nil, duration: duration) } // Whether this frame instance contains an image or not. var isPlaceholder: Bool { return image == nil } // Returns a new instance from an optional image. // // - parameter image: An optional `UIImage` instance to be assigned to the new frame. // - returns: An `AnimatedFrame` instance. func makeAnimatedFrame(image: UIImage?) -> AnimatedFrame { return AnimatedFrame(image: image, duration: duration) } } } extension AnimatedImageView { // MARK: - Animator class Animator { private let size: CGSize private let maxFrameCount: Int private let imageSource: CGImageSource private let maxRepeatCount: RepeatCount private let maxTimeStep: TimeInterval = 1.0 private let animatedFrames = SafeArray() private var frameCount = 0 private var timeSinceLastFrameChange: TimeInterval = 0.0 private var currentRepeatCount: UInt = 0 var isFinished: Bool = false var needsPrescaling = true var backgroundDecode = true weak var delegate: AnimatorDelegate? // Total duration of one animation loop var loopDuration: TimeInterval = 0 // Current active frame image var currentFrameImage: UIImage? { return frame(at: currentFrameIndex) } // Current active frame duration var currentFrameDuration: TimeInterval { return duration(at: currentFrameIndex) } // The index of the current GIF frame. var currentFrameIndex = 0 { didSet { previousFrameIndex = oldValue } } var previousFrameIndex = 0 { didSet { preloadQueue.async { self.updatePreloadedFrames() } } } var isReachMaxRepeatCount: Bool { switch maxRepeatCount { case .once: return currentRepeatCount >= 1 case .finite(let maxCount): return currentRepeatCount >= maxCount case .infinite: return false } } var isLastFrame: Bool { return currentFrameIndex == frameCount - 1 } var preloadingIsNeeded: Bool { return maxFrameCount < frameCount - 1 } var contentMode = UIView.ContentMode.scaleToFill private lazy var preloadQueue: DispatchQueue = { return DispatchQueue(label: "com.onevcat.Kingfisher.Animator.preloadQueue") }() /// Creates an animator with image source reference. /// /// - Parameters: /// - source: The reference of animated image. /// - mode: Content mode of the `AnimatedImageView`. /// - size: Size of the `AnimatedImageView`. /// - count: Count of frames needed to be preloaded. /// - repeatCount: The repeat count should this animator uses. init(imageSource source: CGImageSource, contentMode mode: UIView.ContentMode, size: CGSize, framePreloadCount count: Int, repeatCount: RepeatCount, preloadQueue: DispatchQueue) { self.imageSource = source self.contentMode = mode self.size = size self.maxFrameCount = count self.maxRepeatCount = repeatCount self.preloadQueue = preloadQueue } func frame(at index: Int) -> KFCrossPlatformImage? { return animatedFrames[index]?.image } func duration(at index: Int) -> TimeInterval { return animatedFrames[index]?.duration ?? .infinity } func prepareFramesAsynchronously() { frameCount = Int(CGImageSourceGetCount(imageSource)) animatedFrames.reserveCapacity(frameCount) preloadQueue.async { [weak self] in self?.setupAnimatedFrames() } } func shouldChangeFrame(with duration: CFTimeInterval, handler: (Bool) -> Void) { incrementTimeSinceLastFrameChange(with: duration) if currentFrameDuration > timeSinceLastFrameChange { handler(false) } else { resetTimeSinceLastFrameChange() incrementCurrentFrameIndex() handler(true) } } private func setupAnimatedFrames() { resetAnimatedFrames() var duration: TimeInterval = 0 (0.. maxFrameCount { return } animatedFrames[index] = animatedFrames[index]?.makeAnimatedFrame(image: loadFrame(at: index)) } self.loopDuration = duration } private func resetAnimatedFrames() { animatedFrames.removeAll() } private func loadFrame(at index: Int) -> UIImage? { let options: [CFString: Any] = [ kCGImageSourceCreateThumbnailFromImageIfAbsent: true, kCGImageSourceCreateThumbnailWithTransform: true, kCGImageSourceShouldCacheImmediately: true, kCGImageSourceThumbnailMaxPixelSize: max(size.width, size.height) ] let resize = needsPrescaling && size != .zero guard let cgImage = CGImageSourceCreateImageAtIndex(imageSource, index, resize ? options as CFDictionary : nil) else { return nil } let image = KFCrossPlatformImage(cgImage: cgImage) return backgroundDecode ? image.kf.decoded : image } private func updatePreloadedFrames() { guard preloadingIsNeeded else { return } animatedFrames[previousFrameIndex] = animatedFrames[previousFrameIndex]?.placeholderFrame preloadIndexes(start: currentFrameIndex).forEach { index in guard let currentAnimatedFrame = animatedFrames[index] else { return } if !currentAnimatedFrame.isPlaceholder { return } animatedFrames[index] = currentAnimatedFrame.makeAnimatedFrame(image: loadFrame(at: index)) } } private func incrementCurrentFrameIndex() { currentFrameIndex = increment(frameIndex: currentFrameIndex) if isLastFrame { currentRepeatCount += 1 if isReachMaxRepeatCount { isFinished = true } delegate?.animator(self, didPlayAnimationLoops: currentRepeatCount) } } private func incrementTimeSinceLastFrameChange(with duration: TimeInterval) { timeSinceLastFrameChange += min(maxTimeStep, duration) } private func resetTimeSinceLastFrameChange() { timeSinceLastFrameChange -= currentFrameDuration } private func increment(frameIndex: Int, by value: Int = 1) -> Int { return (frameIndex + value) % frameCount } private func preloadIndexes(start index: Int) -> [Int] { let nextIndex = increment(frameIndex: index) let lastIndex = increment(frameIndex: index, by: maxFrameCount) if lastIndex >= nextIndex { return [Int](nextIndex...lastIndex) } else { return [Int](nextIndex.. { private var favorites: Array = [] private let lock = NSLock() subscript(index: Int) -> Element? { get { lock.lock() defer { lock.unlock() } return favorites.indices ~= index ? favorites[index] : nil } set { lock.lock() defer { lock.unlock() } if let newValue = newValue, favorites.indices ~= index { favorites[index] = newValue } } } var count : Int { lock.lock() defer { lock.unlock() } return favorites.count } func reserveCapacity(_ count: Int) { lock.lock() defer { lock.unlock() } favorites.reserveCapacity(count) } func append(_ element: Element) { lock.lock() defer { lock.unlock() } favorites += [element] } func removeAll() { lock.lock() defer { lock.unlock() } favorites = [] } } #endif #endif