GMSAutocompleteViewController.h 6.05 KB
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Julio Hermosa committed
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//  GMSAutocompleteViewController.h
//  Google Places SDK for iOS
//  Copyright 2016 Google Inc.
//  Usage of this SDK is subject to the Google Maps/Google Earth APIs Terms of
//  Service:

#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>

#import "GMSAutocompleteBoundsMode.h"
#import "GMSAutocompleteFilter.h"
#import "GMSAutocompletePrediction.h"
#import "GMSPlace.h"
#import "GMSPlaceFieldMask.h"

@class GMSAutocompleteViewController;
@class GMSCoordinateBounds;


 * Protocol used by |GMSAutocompleteViewController|, to communicate the user's interaction
 * with the controller to the application.
@protocol GMSAutocompleteViewControllerDelegate <NSObject>


 * Called when a place has been selected from the available autocomplete predictions.
 * Implementations of this method should dismiss the view controller as the view controller will not
 * dismiss itself.
 * @param viewController The |GMSAutocompleteViewController| that generated the event.
 * @param place The |GMSPlace| that was returned.
- (void)viewController:(GMSAutocompleteViewController *)viewController
    didAutocompleteWithPlace:(GMSPlace *)place;

 * Called when a non-retryable error occurred when retrieving autocomplete predictions or place
 * details. A non-retryable error is defined as one that is unlikely to be fixed by immediately
 * retrying the operation.
 * Only the following values of |GMSPlacesErrorCode| are retryable:
 * <ul>
 * <li>kGMSPlacesNetworkError
 * <li>kGMSPlacesServerError
 * <li>kGMSPlacesInternalError
 * </ul>
 * All other error codes are non-retryable.
 * @param viewController The |GMSAutocompleteViewController| that generated the event.
 * @param error The |NSError| that was returned.
- (void)viewController:(GMSAutocompleteViewController *)viewController
    didFailAutocompleteWithError:(NSError *)error;

 * Called when the user taps the Cancel button in a |GMSAutocompleteViewController|.
 * Implementations of this method should dismiss the view controller as the view controller will not
 * dismiss itself.
 * @param viewController The |GMSAutocompleteViewController| that generated the event.
- (void)wasCancelled:(GMSAutocompleteViewController *)viewController;


 * Called when the user selects an autocomplete prediction from the list but before requesting
 * place details.
 * Returning NO from this method will suppress the place details fetch and didAutocompleteWithPlace
 * will not be called.
 * @param viewController The |GMSAutocompleteViewController| that generated the event.
 * @param prediction The |GMSAutocompletePrediction| that was selected.
- (BOOL)viewController:(GMSAutocompleteViewController *)viewController
    didSelectPrediction:(GMSAutocompletePrediction *)prediction;

 * Called once every time new autocomplete predictions are received.
 * @param viewController The |GMSAutocompleteViewController| that generated the event.
- (void)didUpdateAutocompletePredictions:(GMSAutocompleteViewController *)viewController;

 * Called once immediately after a request for autocomplete predictions is made.
 * @param viewController The |GMSAutocompleteViewController| that generated the event.
- (void)didRequestAutocompletePredictions:(GMSAutocompleteViewController *)viewController;


 * GMSAutocompleteViewController provides an interface that displays a table of autocomplete
 * predictions that updates as the user enters text. Place selections made by the user are
 * returned to the app via the |GMSAutocompleteViewControllerResultsDelegate| protocol.
 * To use GMSAutocompleteViewController, set its delegate to an object in your app that
 * conforms to the |GMSAutocompleteViewControllerDelegate| protocol and present the controller
 * (eg using presentViewController). The |GMSAutocompleteViewControllerDelegate| delegate methods
 * can be used to determine when the user has selected a place or has cancelled selection.
@interface GMSAutocompleteViewController : UIViewController

/** Delegate to be notified when a place is selected or picking is cancelled. */
@property(nonatomic, weak, nullable) IBOutlet id<GMSAutocompleteViewControllerDelegate> delegate;

 * Bounds used to bias or restrict the autocomplete results depending on the value of
 * |autocompleteBoundsMode| (can be nil).
@property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) GMSCoordinateBounds *autocompleteBounds;

 * How to treat the |autocompleteBounds| property. Defaults to |kGMSAutocompleteBoundsModeBias|.
 * Has no effect if |autocompleteBounds| is nil.
@property(nonatomic, assign) GMSAutocompleteBoundsMode autocompleteBoundsMode;

/** Filter to apply to autocomplete suggestions (can be nil). */
@property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) GMSAutocompleteFilter *autocompleteFilter;

/** The background color of table cells. */
@property(nonatomic, strong) IBInspectable UIColor *tableCellBackgroundColor;

/** The color of the separator line between table cells. */
@property(nonatomic, strong) IBInspectable UIColor *tableCellSeparatorColor;

/** The color of result name text in autocomplete results */
@property(nonatomic, strong) IBInspectable UIColor *primaryTextColor;

/** The color used to highlight matching text in autocomplete results */
@property(nonatomic, strong) IBInspectable UIColor *primaryTextHighlightColor;

/** The color of the second row of text in autocomplete results. */
@property(nonatomic, strong) IBInspectable UIColor *secondaryTextColor;

/** The tint color applied to controls in the Autocomplete view. */
@property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) IBInspectable UIColor *tintColor;

 * Specify individual place details to fetch for object |GMSPlace|.
 * Defaults to returning all details if not overridden.
@property(nonatomic, assign) GMSPlaceField placeFields;

 * Sets up the autocomplete bounds using the NE and SW corner locations.
- (void)setAutocompleteBoundsUsingNorthEastCorner:(CLLocationCoordinate2D)NorthEastCorner
