README.GooglePlacesDemos 819 Bytes
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Julio Hermosa committed
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GooglePlacesDemos contains a demo application showcasing various features of
the Google Places API for iOS.

Before starting, please note that these demos are directed towards a technical
audience. You'll also need Xcode 9.0 or later, with the iOS SDK 9.3 or later.

If you're new to the API, please read the Introduction section of the Google
Places API for iOS documentation-

Once you've read the Introduction page, follow the first couple of steps on the
"Getting Started" page. Specifically;

  * Obtain an API key for the demo application, and specify the bundle ID of
    this demo application as an an 'allowed iOS app'. By default, the bundle ID
    is "com.example.GooglePlacesDemos".

  * Open the project in Xcode, and update `SDKDemoAPIKey.h` with this key.