GMSMapLayer.h 3.76 KB
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//  GMSMapLayer.h
//  Google Maps SDK for iOS
//  Copyright 2013 Google LLC
//  Usage of this SDK is subject to the Google Maps/Google Earth APIs Terms of
//  Service:

#import <CoreLocation/CoreLocation.h>
#import <QuartzCore/QuartzCore.h>

#import "GMSCALayer.h"


 * The following layer properties and constants describe the camera properties that may be animated
 * on the custom model layer of a GMSMapView with Core Animation. For simple camera control and
 * animation, please see the helper methods in GMSMapView+Animation.h, and the camera object
 * definition within GMSCameraPosition.h.
 * Changing layer properties triggers an implicit animation, e.g.:-
 *   mapView_.layer.cameraBearing = 20;
 * An explicit animation, replacing the implicit animation, may be added after changing the
 * property, for example:
 * <pre>
 *   CAMediaTimingFunction *curve = [CAMediaTimingFunction functionWithName:
 *                                   kCAMediaTimingFunctionEaseInEaseOut];
 *   CABasicAnimation *animation =
 *       [CABasicAnimation animationWithKeyPath:kGMSLayerCameraBearingKey];
 *   animation.duration = 2.0f;
 *   animation.timingFunction = curve;
 *   animation.toValue = @20;
 *   [mapView_.layer addAnimation:animation forKey:kGMSLayerCameraBearingKey];
 * </pre>
 * To control several implicit animations, Core Animation's transaction support may be used, for
 * example:
 * <pre>
 *   [CATransaction begin];
 *   [CATransaction setAnimationDuration:2.0f];
 *   mapView_.layer.cameraBearing = 20;
 *   mapView_.layer.cameraViewingAngle = 30;
 *   [CATransaction commit];
 * </pre>
 * Note that these properties are not view-based. Please see "Animating View and Layer Changes
 * Together" in the <a href="">
 * View Programming Guide for iOS</a>.

 * kGMSLayerCameraLatitudeKey ranges from [-85, 85], and values outside this range will be clamped.
 * @related GMSMapLayer
extern NSString *const kGMSLayerCameraLatitudeKey;

 * kGMSLayerCameraLongitudeKey ranges from [-180, 180), and values outside this range will be
 * wrapped to within this range.
 * @related GMSMapLayer
extern NSString *const kGMSLayerCameraLongitudeKey;

 * kGMSLayerCameraBearingKey ranges from [0, 360), and values are wrapped.
 * @related GMSMapLayer
extern NSString *const kGMSLayerCameraBearingKey;

 * kGMSLayerCameraZoomLevelKey ranges from [kGMSMinZoomLevel, kGMSMaxZoomLevel], and values are
 * clamped.
 * @related GMSMapLayer
extern NSString *const kGMSLayerCameraZoomLevelKey;

 * kGMSLayerCameraViewingAngleKey ranges from zero (i.e., facing straight down) and to between 30
 * and 45 degrees towards the horizon, depending on the model zoom level.
 * @related GMSMapLayer
extern NSString *const kGMSLayerCameraViewingAngleKey;

 * GMSMapLayer is a custom subclass of CALayer, provided as the layer class on GMSMapView. This
 * layer should not be instantiated directly. It provides model access to the camera normally
 * defined on GMSMapView.
 * Modifying or animating these properties will typically interrupt any current gesture on
 * GMSMapView, e.g., a user's pan or rotation. Similarly, if a user performs an enabled gesture
 * during an animation, the animation will stop 'in-place' (at the current presentation value).
@interface GMSMapLayer : GMSCALayer
@property(nonatomic) CLLocationDegrees cameraLatitude;
@property(nonatomic) CLLocationDegrees cameraLongitude;
@property(nonatomic) CLLocationDirection cameraBearing;
@property(nonatomic) float cameraZoomLevel;
@property(nonatomic) double cameraViewingAngle;