select * from film; select f.actor_id, f.film_id, f.last_update from film_actor as f left join actor on f.actor_id=actor.actor_id where actor.first_name='Johnny' ; select f.actor_id, f.film_id, f.last_update from film_actor as f left join actor on f.actor_id=actor.actor_id where actor.first_name='Johnny' or actor.first_name='Penelope'; select f.actor_id, f.film_id, f.last_update from film_actor as f left join actor on f.actor_id=actor.actor_id where actor.first_name='Johnny' and actor.first_name='Penelope'; select * from film_category as fc left join category as cat on cat.category_id=fc.category_id where in ('Action','Comedy'); select * from film where title like 'A%' order by release_year; select * from film where title like 'B%'; select * from payment where amount between 0 and 5; select * from film where title<>'Analyze Hoosiers'; select * from film right join inventory as inv on inv.film_id=film.film_id right join store as st on st.store_id = inv.store_id;