_grid.scss 1016 Bytes
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// Container widths
// Set the container width, and override it for fixed navbars in media queries.

@if $enable-grid-classes {
  .container {
    @include make-container();
    @include make-container-max-widths();

// Fluid container
// Utilizes the mixin meant for fixed width containers, but with 100% width for
// fluid, full width layouts.

@if $enable-grid-classes {
  .container-fluid {
    @include make-container();

// Row
// Rows contain and clear the floats of your columns.

@if $enable-grid-classes {
  .row {
    @include make-row();

  // Remove the negative margin from default .row, then the horizontal padding
  // from all immediate children columns (to prevent runaway style inheritance).
  .no-gutters {
    margin-right: 0;
    margin-left: 0;

    > .col,
    > [class*="col-"] {
      padding-right: 0;
      padding-left: 0;

// Columns
// Common styles for small and large grid columns

@if $enable-grid-classes {
  @include make-grid-columns();